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Nuclear Science Symposium
Medical Imaging Conference

Lyon, France
15-20, 2000

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Timetable for NSS and MIC Sessions

Friday 20 October 2000

9:00 - 18:00 Workshop (Chair: B.Jost, CERN)
DAQ 2000
9:00 - 10:30 Overview Talks (Chair : P.Lecoq, CERN)
Review of photon detectors (Speaker: E.Lorenz, MPI)
GRID computing (Speaker: W.von Ruden, CERN)
MIC Parallel Sessions
Small Cameras & Detector Probes 1:
Animal PET & Beta Probes
Attenuation & Scatter Correction 2
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 NSS & NSS - MIC Parallel Sessions (Instrumentation)
Readout Electronics 7: Detector Readout Electronics 2
Silicon Detectors 4: Tracking Strips
Scintillators 6: High Energy Physics
Gaseous Detectors 3
MIC Parallel Sessions:
Image Reconstruction 3: PET
Dual Modality Imaging
12:30 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 15:00 Overview Talks (Chair : M.Turala, INP Cracow)
Report from the 3rd international workshop on identification of dark matter (Speaker : D.Tovey, Sheffield U)
LHCC experiment board workshop summary
(Speakers : M.Letheren, CERN and W.Smith, Winsconsin)

MIC Parallel Sessions
Small Cameras & Detector Probes 2:
Small FOV Single Photon Imagers
Simulation Tools 2
X-ray Devices & CT

15:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break + Poster Sessions:
NSS & NSS - MIC poster sessions:
Readout Electronics:
Timing & High Rate Circuits + Miscellaneous
Scintillators: High Energy Physics + Other topics
Silicon Detectors: Poster Session 2
Gaseous Detectors: Poster Session 2


MIC Poster Sessions:
Attenuation & Scatter Correction: Poster session 2
Image Reconstruction: PET + General
Dual Modality Imaging: all posters
Small Cameras & Detector Probes:
Animal PET & Beta Probes
Small Cameras & Detector Probes:
Small FOV Single Photon Imagers
X-ray Devices & CT: all posters
Quantitative & Parametric Imaging:
Segmentation + Pattern Recognition + Factor Analysis
16:30 - 18:00 MIC: Summary (Chair: Stig Larsson, KHS and Benjamin Tsui North Carolina)
NSS Parallel Sessions
Readout Electronics 8: Timing and High Rate Circuits
Silicon Detectors 5: Radiation Damage
Scintillators 7: Other Topics
Gaseous Detectors 4

Memento of other events:

9:30 - 17:30 Companion and Tours Program - Lyon Fine Arts Museum
Technical visit :
13:00 - 18:30 ESRF and CEA/LETI Grenoble